3 reasons your emails aren’t getting opened (and what to do about it) 

Tell me how much this sucks. 


You spend a ton of time writing an email that you know is going to connect with your audience like a magnet to their hearts. You load it into your email software, slap on a subject, and send it shooting into the interwebs. 


The next day, when you check back in, only 15% of your audience have checked it out. It almost physically hurts. You know email is so important for your online business and you’ve been working on growing your list. 


So . . . why aren’t people opening your emails? 


By the time you’re done with this poist, you’ll know the top three reasons your people aren’t opening your emails and what to do about it. 


But first, let’s dig into the numbers. 


What’s a good open rate anyway? 


Did you know the average email open rate in the coaching industry is 20%?


That's fine, but with just a few tweaks it can be much higher. (In fact the open rate for my last four emails was: 56.7%, 50%, 42.4%, and 56.8%). And my clients open rates average anywhere from 40-60%. 


Here are three quick ways to troubleshoot why your emails might not be getting the open rates (and engagement!) you’re looking for.


#1 – They can’t remember who you are.


How many times have you glanced through your inbox and thought, “I have no idea who these people are?” Maybe you don’t care enough to open their emails and unsubscribe but you’re also not usually going to read them.


One of the biggest nails in your email marketing coffin (and, let’s be honest, business) is when you’re forgettable. If your audience can’t remember who you are, they’re not going to remember what you do, why you can help them, or why they should pay attention to anything they have to say. 




The best way to avoid this is to make a big splash and sticky impression when they first sign up to your list. You can also make sure that your name is actually your name and not just your company. (You can also do a combo like, Angel from Convertkit.) Remember, your name is the first thing people see when an email pops up on their phone or in their inbox.


#2 – Your subject line isn’t interesting enough/doesn’t promise enough value


A quick glance through your email will tell you how much people are bombarded with emails. And let’s be honest, A LOT of the subject lines sound the same. So, how do you stand out?




Go one of two ways: intrigue or promise. An intriguing subject line is something they aren’t expecting or doesn’t seem to fit with what you do exactly. (For example, one of my best open rate subject lines were: “sasquatch” “is it . . . dead?” and “they’re coming (the psycho birds)”) Your subscribers won’t be able to resist finding out what’s going on.


Promise subject lines are really clear about the benefit people will get from opening them (ex: creating $1M CASH without ads in 10 months” or “how to write emails that people can’t stop opening”)


#3 – Your emails are going to “promotions purgatory.”


Ah yes, the blasted tab that no one opens.




When subscribers first opt into your email list, ask them specifically to make sure you’re moved into the primary tab! Also, take it easy on the photos and links in each email; email software is scanning for anything they think might be spam. Also, see tip #1.

Hannah Fleace