3 reasons a challenge launch is THE most lucrative way to launch your first or next program

Depending on who you talk to in the online space, challenge-style launches are either dead or the greatest thing since air fryers (which are pretty freaking great). 

I’m in the second camp and so are all of my clients after seeing the results in their own businesses. 

If you’re a coach or service-based entrepreneur who has been growing and warming up a group or audience, is ready to make a massive impact in your niche, and has a course/service/program you know will help your people, keep reading because a challenge launch very likely could be the key to your next massive launch. 


Cool, cool, cool, but what is a challenge launch? 


Gah! I love you for asking smart questions! If you’re not familiar, a challenge launch is a style of launching where you invite your audience to participate in a free challenge (typically held in an exclusive pop-up FB group or via email) that directly relates to the program or service you’re launching. After the challenge, you host a masterclass or dive straight into selling them on your program.


For example, if you’re a wellness coach who specializes in PCOS for women, you might host a challenge all around the best food to help you manage your PCOS. And then you’d sell your membership, group coaching program, or 1:1 services. 


Reason #1 challenges are the bomb dot com: Challenges show you know your stuff (and provide massive value with little effort on your end!)

Challenges are THE best way to showcase your expertise to a group of highly engaged people. Because each day of the challenge will rely on you delivering some kind of education or information, your audience gets to see in real time that you’re the real deal.


This is HUGE for building the kind of trust that collapses objections and bulldozes risk for your potential clients. Showing up as THE expert and creating a space for everyone to experience that in such a way that they can not only absorb what you’re saying, but also put it into action, means they’re going to be ready to buy so much faster.


Reason #2 challenges are a win win win: Challenges attract action takers

Because of the nature of a challenge – getting your audience to actively participate in getting some kind of result – they attract action takers.


Once someone gives you an initial yes (like signing up to a challenge), they’re significantly more likely to say it again and again. Numerous studies have been done on the human psychology of following and staying consistent with patterns. 


Getting your action takers to say yes to the challenge means a much easier yes when it’s time to sell.


Bonus: Action takers often come to challenges with the mindset that, even if they don’t enroll, they’re going to make the most of what you’ve set up. Which means they’ll have a phenomenal experience and become an evangelist for your next challenge, inviting all their friends and business besties. We LOVE a values-based organic strategy.


Reason #3 challenges are a money-making exercise for you business: Challenges create a streamlined and obvious route for your audience to follow

Because challenges are action-focused, it often means your potential clients can get results before ever paying you a dime. And that is the most gratifying thing for people to experience. When they see how much they can create with your free stuff, they’ll be dying to know what could happen in a paid program. And yep, they’ll whip out their credit cards to find out.


Actions create results. And results empower. By hosting ONE challenge for tons of people, you’ll be putting forth very little effort to create an empowered audience that is already sold on the fact that you can help them get results.

Creating a challenge launch is a great way to get your audience stoked about your offer and hankering to buy (yes, hankering!). One place I see entrepreneurs get tripped up in the planning stages. It can feel really overwhelming to put together a challenge on your own. 


So, please let me help! The Athena Launch Package is the system I use with my clients to create expansive, lucrative launches, and I’d love to give you the planning portion for free! Just pop in your details, and I’ll send over a Trello board with step-by-step instructions to plan your next challenge with ease!